Statement of Intent
We aim to provide an excellent service to our patients, to be responsive to their needs and ensure we offer the very best in general medical care.
You can expect to be dealt with courteously and efficiently at all times. Your confidentiality is important to us and will be respected at all times.
Medical details may be shared, if necessary, with members of the Practice Team. However, they are not available to third parties without your consent. We will strive to serve you as well as we can and to cater for all your medical needs.
If you are at all unhappy with the service we provide, or have useful suggestions as to how we can improve. please feel free to speak to the Practice Manager, who will deal with the matter quickly and with complete confidentiality.
Your Help
In order to ensure you receive an effective and efficient service, we need your support and co-operation.
- Please arrive in good time for your appointment, if you are late this will cause a delay to both the clinician and other patients and could result in us having to re-schedule your appointment.
- Please cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend, wasted appointments cost us time and are frustrating for other patients trying to book appointments. We have a strict DNA (Did not Attend) policy, details of which are displayed in the waiting room. You can cancel any unwanted appointments in person, telephone or online.
- Please do not attend Urgent or Book on the Day appointments with non-urgent problems.
- Please allow 48 hours for repeat prescriptions. Interruptions to the dispensary team for collection of non-urgent repeat prescriptions, that have been ordered on the same day, are disrupting to an already extremely busy team.
- Please ensure we have your consent recorded in your medical records if you wish for someone else [ie spouse/family member/friend] to have access to your medical information, or collect your medication on your behalf.