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Patient survey

Patient Survey – Telephone and Online Appointments


Have you ever booked an appointment, ordered medication or raised a query via our website?
How would you rate this process?
Would you like to in the future?
Were you able to resolve all your concerns during these consultations?
Would you be happy to be offered a video, online or phone consultation, where appropriate, for future appointments?

What percentage of our appointments would you consider using a telephone, video, or online consultation?

If booking a video, online or telephone appointment, would you prefer these to be:
Thinking about your needs, would you prefer it if appointments were:

On average, how many appointments of any type would you say that you book each year for the following Clinicians?

We would like to try and tailor our appointment types and times to best meet the needs of our patients, how would you best describe your employment status?
Do you have a mobile phone?
Do you have access to the internet at home?
Would you say that you are confident in using technology, such as the internet for a video appointment or sending an email via our website?
Please let us know of your age: