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We are a fully dispensing practice, and you can obtain all your medicine from the dispensary after you have seen the doctor. As well as issuing repeat prescriptions and dispensing medication, the dispensers are available to deal with any concerns you may have about your medication. If they are unable to deal with your query immediately, they will contact you as soon as possible with help/advice.

Ordering repeat prescriptions

We want to make repeat prescription re-ordering as accurate, efficient, and easy to use as possible. Please only order what you actually need.

The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:

These accounts show you all your repeat medicine and dosage and you can choose the ones you need.

You can also:

  • call the dispensary on 01842 829738 (lines are open between 10am and midday and 2pm to 4pm for housebound patients or patients who struggle to use the internet).
  • In person – tick off the medication you require on your repeat prescription list and drop it in to the dispensary. If the surgery is closed you can put it in the mailbox by the main door, this gets emptied at 8am each weekday morning. If you do not have your printed medication list, you can write what you need on a piece of paper, remembering to add your full name, address and date of birth.
  • Sending your request by post – tick off the medication you require on your repeat prescription list, if you do not have your printed medication list, you can write what you need on a piece of paper, again remembering to add your full name, address and date of birth, this can then be posted to the surgery.

We do not take repeat prescription requests via email.

Collecting your prescription


You can usually collect your prescription 5 full working days after you have ordered it. Longer is needed if ordering by post.

Questions about your prescription

If you have questions about your medicine, our clinical pharmacist can answer these. She can also answer questions on medicines you can buy without a prescription.

The NHS website has information on how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.

Go to Medicines A to Z (

If you would like to speak to someone at the GP surgery about your prescription:

Medication reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to complete a medication review at least once a year to review their regular medications. You will receive a letter/text or alternatively a message will appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure you complete this to avoid any unnecessary delays to your prescriptions.

Delivery service

The Practice offer a free delivery service to patients who are housebound and unable to collect their medication. Please contact the dispensary for further details.

Prescription charges

Find out more about prescription charges (

What to do with old medicines

Take it to the pharmacy you got it from or bring it in to the surgery for safe disposal. Do not put it in your household bin or flush it down the toilet. A specialist waste-disposal company collects and discards them from the surgery.

Please note: They cannot be re-used.

About community pharmacists

As qualified healthcare professionals, community pharmacists can offer advice on minor illnesses such as:

  • coughs
  • colds
  • sore throats
  • tummy trouble
  • aches and pains

They can also advise on medicine that you can buy without a prescription.

Find a pharmacy (

Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Most pharmacies have a private room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 12 March 2025